5 days ago

Reimagining every FNaTI version!

1.0 - based off anart1996's teaser
2.0 - based off FNaTI: 2D Quadrilogy's PNM and the forgotten one (gen 2)
3.0 - willy
4.0 - based off Abandoned Enigma Mickmi- i mean Corrupted Mickey and 4.5 MickMick
5.0 - based off Abandoned Enigma Inverted Mickey
6.0 - based off 2020 PNM and mascot PNM

psssst here's the guy from LTBS for anniversary edtion


yeah, i just fused every single character i mentioned above into this one, lol?



Next up

Guys if we have cirno the skunk simping on ortensia

Does that mean i can simp PNMinnie (the classic one)?

This one’s for you if you’re a jjk fan iguess

a test to see if i can draw in the style of that Epic Mickey graphic novel.

y'see, it's fnati fanart. look, it's MADRE.

yeah you didn't see it coming, did ya?

Please ignore my unholy schizo post from earlier

red oddiyt

White Noise design i came up with on a whim

"i really hate sink" #BadArtChallenge