The Shell Fun House (PSFC 2)
7 years ago

Release date + Beta 4 news!

This game is going to be released officially on September 1st this year.
I am not sure at what time it’s going to be released, but I am 90% sure that it will be on September 1st.

Now, let’s talk about Beta 4. There are gonna be a lot of changes to the GUI and graphics of the game. You probably have seen
some changes a few days ago. That room, by the way, is the main control room.

Here are some more changes:


Also, the vent mechanic is a little different and the office has the light always turned on. It doesn’t make any sound or anything, that would be annoying.

That’s it for now, M.S Productions



Next up

Progress Update - Feedback Demo 2

Technician mode title screen!

360 Camera Test (Image is not related to the game)

Another teaser
