Toppy's Workshop

6 years ago

Release date, plans, progress update

alright everyone, i’m halfway to the finish line — 22 days of development left until the April 18 release.

right now, the game’s fully playable from start to finish. i’ve got a working main menu, pausing, losing and winning. sounds like the game’s already done then right? wrong.

making a game playable from start to end is only a tiny part of making a game. it seems like once the game loop is done, you can just add some graphics and sound, and publish the game! $$
but in reality, there’s so much more. there’s tutorialization, pacing, menus, quality-of-life interactions, sound, art, and so much more.

so, what do i make next?

well, i’ve still gotta decorate the level, for one. in case you haven’t noticed, the game doesn’t look great yet. it looks blocky, bare, and just weird. right now, it’s in the “graybox stage.” that means i’ve used big blocks to get a feel for the shape of the map and how it plays, and now i’ve gotta make graphics for every wall, floor, corner etc. this process takes a lot of time.

then there’s sound, animation, polish, prop art, splash screens, credits, transitions and bug fixes.

anyway i’ll leave it there for now. if you want to join the Discord and talk with me about the game (or about anything) you can join here:

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Next up

lots of lights and audio sources

Toppy's Workshop Alright, I've made a game page for the new game's dev log. You can check it out here

finally finished another game, i'm pretty happy with this one

exciting stuff!

just wrapping things up, release is either today or tomorrow (hopefully!)

not saying i'm making a spongebob zombies game, but i'm making a spongebob zombies game.

My Patreon finally has tiers and stuff now, so it's officially worth looking into, maybe? (P.S. new game coming up soon)