As any developer with a healthy mindset might do, I’ve got at least a vague idea of what I want to have in the game before or at release. I will list them below so that you, the player, understand where this game is headed and that I am serious about developing this game.
A full story: While not completely gripping or riveting, I plan on a coherent story being introduced to keep the player interested in more than just the addictive gameplay. Of course, for those who complete the story, there will also be a free-play mode, wherein the player can fight against an endless onslaught with hopefully some variation from the story and unpredictability for replay enjoyment.
Co-Op / Versus mode: Players can connect with at least one friend to face the onslaught together or to go toe-to-toe as rivals. This is NOT a guaranteed feature. I have yet to try my hand at networking with GML, so this is a hope rather than a plan.
Smoother Gameplay: As is, the gameplay is closer to a mockup than even a prototype. I hope to make the enemies spawn in a much cleaner method, as well as flesh out the AI across the entire game.
Mini-Games: Yeah I said it. Mini-Games in what is practically a Mini-Game itself. I hope that the player can do more than just sit at the left of the screen and shoot things. Perhaps a different style of gameplay than side-scrolling could be included. Like the Co-Op / Versus mode, this is more of a hope than a plan.
These are my current release goals, I appreciate anyone who has expressed interest in the game so far.