My experience with the development of this project
After the original release in 2021, I developed the game with the mindset that it should be playable for mobile. It was a difficult time at the time. I was confused in many areas myself. I did finish the game, however, the original anims world that you all knew, but it had lag in many areas of content and the quality in many places wasn't necessarily my best performance. I have that now with the remake/remastered (it's up to you, I called it AWDX because it sounded cooler) and that also connects the story with the 2nd part of the series. I had already planned a 2nd part for 2023, but hadn't implemented it yet. It was still in the early development stages and I really had to rethink a lot of things, which is why the 2nd part is weaker than the first. However, I will still be making improvements to the 2nd part, which will happen very soon, in December 2024 to January 2025. The exact date is not yet known. I just wanted to share my development with the game here and say how I perceived the development and what else came up.
Patch notes
New content
True Arcade
5 Different endings
Reworked UI System
New Enemies & Bosses
Fortune teller included
Changes in the DX version
New Locomotion animation
720p resolution
All textures have been revised or modified
New Music or remaked music
Quality of life included
remaked party member system

Thank you for reading this. I hope you have fun with the game. And we'll see you in the distant future!