Welcome to Tubbyland: Chapter 1
3 months ago

Released the Game

Just released it so i can get it off my mind, I haven't been feeling the best right now and i kind of just wanted to get this game off my mind right now, I'll update it eventually to add stuff that isn't there. but for now its being released as is.

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Next up

Luigi Redesign

Working on a New Game and i need some Voice actors for

- The Phone Guy


The Cutscene


Flashlight + Gate

Decided that i should give some canon unique redesigns for the FNaD Characters. I decided that the first character i should do, should be the main antagonist of the series, Daniel

Its at the door

Extras so far

heres the map layout

Sidenote: The Player will not hide in the Entrance, Hallway or Staircase

Night 2 Selection