Hello everyone, Its been a while since the last big update but its here.
I’m looking to getting a major update each month and just ironing out the other stuff through out the weeks.
Its hard finding time to get things done atm but I will still bring updates for this game.
My new website is currently in development and will be more of a forum so that I can post news on this and other games with more ease.
All this aside, here is a list of all the changes in this latest update:
Easy mode now disables distance and kill achievements
Normal mode nurft slightly
Difficulty mode leaderboards
New Boss death effect & Sounds
Leaderboards are now unique (Best personal score only)
Fixed Music not enabling when re-enabled in options
Fixed sounds playing when not enabled/disabled
Flasher now doesn’t destroy enemy 3, 4 and 5
Fixed other enemy spawns (Harder enemies spawn a max of 2 at a time)
Added random gold drops from enemies.