FNF: Decrepit Hotel - Doors

7 months ago

remake again lol



Next up

[kinda bad] ambush

Lol i love remaking shit.

@Banana_Dreemurr good to know you aren't planning on apologising for telling me to Kms over a small thing of a ragebaiter putting a characters name and you thinking it's all about you.

I was willing to just say you were right as mentioned in ss

But ok.

There is gotta be something swishing around in my head!

it's cool. :3

concepts and unused sprites on this post ig

[pretty bad] Rush

Do you wanna... Play?

Boifren113's concept is complete!

Hope you like his design.

i'm gonna try to make gurlfren999's design next :3

[if you think there is a way i could improve his design, please let me know, feedback is heavily encouraged!

Thank you!!


"While.. my time is slowly slipping... This beating heart lays dripping.."

Alright guys. Who's the villain?

Out of the three characters (Vile, Coda and Bob)