1000 Rooms at Spooky's - A SHoJ FNaF mod!
6 years ago

Remaking IP's assets + New discord server!

Direct Link to the server, if you dont wanna read stuff:

So... Three weeks have passed since i've stated that production in the game restarted. During this time, I took the opportunitty to remake and refine the game's design document. Needless to say, if the guys at repair didnt manage to salvage my Hard drive during ONE WHOLE MONTH, they are probably just goofing off. Because of this, I already began doing work on initiative PURPLE. Don't lose hope for Update 2.0 tough, it still could happen.

I'm also making a new Discord server! (With proper bot implementation this time!) Just like the last one, it serves as a place to get exclusive news firsthand, talk about various topics, and just a nice place to hang out with random internet people. Link:

That's it for now. If more news are given to me regarding this situation, I will be sure to share them here.

  • Gentlemaniac



Next up

Remade Title screen, along with other menu graphics

Merry christmas! This is just a short and sweet post card I cooked up for this special occasion. I *GUARANTEE* that there isn’t any kind of secret message here. So don’t even try looking for anything, trust me ;-) -Gentlemaniac

The showrunner

Karamari hospital final Poll + results of the previous one

The puppeteer

The memory of a golden past

Thank you

The machine with a scheme

The release date! + Let's try this again, shall we? (Please read!)

The last of his kind