Visual fixes: The sizes of Alice and Jonas, the weak/blurry lineart of some characters, bad clipping, bad perspective, and all the other wonky stuff? Every visual asset that needed polishing, whether it be size issues, pixelation, or weird cuts, has been fixed and looks stronger. Woo!!!!!!!!
Karla has an idle animation! Looks more lively now. ( Making each character look like they were breathing turned out looking far too creepy, so I spare you that horror.)
So does Darci!
Karla’s laugh will now be heard whenever mentioned in the game.
Every single bug and typo has been fixed. If you find any, let me know, but it should all be good.
No more problems of the inventory items overlapping each other.
Quest design has been improved. Smoother transitions, intuitive interactions, and more sensible hints should make it so you never feel like you’re just randomly clicking about to progress. Such as, if you click on one character, their dialogue will be more useful and relevant to the current puzzle, rather than seeming dialogue.
The puzzles have also been improved so you will not be tempted to brute force them. Theoretically you could, if you want to waste a lot of time, but the puzzles are now far better at prompting you to really investigate and play the game.
The ending, while unchanged, is now
far more friendly for computers. Players who finished it will understand. :)
Before, I always had some tidbits that bugged me, stuff I wanted to fix but couldn’t at the time, stuff that always stuck out to me. But now?
This is as clean and polished as it can possibly be. I’ve always been proud to present to you all this game, but now I am even prouder.
Making this, and seeing all the contrasts from old aspects and new aspects, seeing everything be fixed, seeing it all growing before my eyes…
It is magical. And it only happened because of you. Thank you so much for playing, and for your support. <3