the forever young daycare hack was part of a group called DONKEY KONG HACKER GROUP. i remember the person who hacked it uncopylocked the forever young daycare game, i was able to download it, if you want me to share the file i got please ask me. note, i am not the person who hacked it, i was just around during it. also, if i remember, the game wasnt "hacked" as you say. it was a devloper who edited the game.
4 years ago
remember the forever young daycare hack? i got some info to share:
Next up
an attempt at making the SCP 3008 camera
another another sneak peek
This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates #Roblox! Go to and accept the quest to get started.
Another Sneak peek
I drew an roblox avatar i made today, a little witch girl, with magic powers i guess?
spent way too much on this trashy selection highlighting
Vr hub thing
💰Hey all you upcoming creators! Go check out the brand new Robiz Plus campaign maker! ⬇️
decided to add an exterior