7 months ago

Remember The Loud House?

(Yes, surely several remember it and will be aware that the series is no longer the same... and has declined... well, one of the good episodes of the sisters was Hero Today Gone Tomorrow from Season 3) Continue reading below

And since there aren't that many FNF covers from this series, I made this cover for fun of a Song of Nonsense V2 (Sensitive Context) with scales of Lynn and Margo made by me, check if you're interested...


(P.D: There is a surprise at the end of the video :))



Next up


JuanJo (Avatar OC) 1.0 and 1.5 Preview

Made by: JuanJo_Enter (Me)

I did it for fun, just in case...

Sip, gente esto saldrá en septiembre... (Update 2025: Ver el Post de Arriba, Ahora se Lanza en Abril/Mayo)

Lamento la demora pero el teaser trailer ya esta disponible... aquí el link para verlo...


Happy St Valentines Day: (A JuanJo (EVMA) x Luna Henderson (Cartoon Cat 2.0) Fan-Made Ship...)

Pixel stuff

Si ya se que es un poco tarde...

Pero el 19 de Agosto el canal de Youtube cumplio 3 años... Muchas a todo por estos tres años en todas mi redes, tal no sea el usuario con el mejor crecimiento... o mejor cumplimiento...

Pero a Pesar de todo Eso...


Friday Night Funkin'.

SWITCH 2 WAS ANNOUNCED TOGETHER WITH THE NEXT MARIO KART, SAME CONCEPT BUT BETTER... I'm going to start saving to buy it in two years, literally...

Linea de Tiempo de Proyectos: Era Pre-Post Clasica (2025)

Naisonji !