The Tale of Two Nekos (Official)
8 months ago


The Tale of Two Nekos will no longer be active on GameJolt, I will be putting my complete focus on Itch io...

That is right, while you can still play the Demo here, the Full Game will be releasing on and Steam...

What does this mean?

will devlog posts stop here? no

will updates stop here? no

What does this mean for any future games?

they will no longer be on GameJolt, but later in the future, when more games are in development, they will be phased out of as well so they can have their full focus on Steam Digital Store and Consoles...



Next up

Shen Kuro Sandro, Akari Tsukino, Cherry, Nicole Sandro, Claudius Perdede (TTO2N, my game) Artwork by: MikeDrawArt

Before & After

A fork? (left or right way path)

Hmmm, what is behind this door?

Hello, anyone home?

The Poison can glow??

He is actually holding a flashlight #IndieGame #IndieDev #GameDev