5 days ago

☆ Replica Revolution ☆ ~ March 2025

Alter Clone Mario

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #FNaSMMMM #MegaMergeMaxMix #ReplicaRevolution #Horror #ArtWork #Art

The Classic Version: Alter Clone Mario
from Five Nights at Sonic's: Mega Merge Max Mix
(Alternate Maniac Mania - "Extra" Comic)

Which will later turn into The Modern Version: Clone Mario "Tune-Up!"
He appears in Five Nights at Sonic's 1: Insane Immerse "Route of Recollect"
(Pizzeria on South Island - Addon Comic) /
Five Nights at Sonic's: Fierce Forces "Imagine It!"
(Arcade Machine in Dr. Golden's Prep Mean Haze Citadel on Angel Island
- Main Comic)

Clone Mario "Tune-Up!" also appears in
Five Nights at Sonic's: Fierce Forces "Entertain Entrapment!?" (Fangame)

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So I'm never ever meant to make a WIPs for ☆ Replica Revolution ☆ but here it is, this time, exceptionally.

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #FNaSMMMM #MegaMergeMaxMix #Horror #WIP #ArtWork #Art #MarioDayArt #MarioDayPowerup

Dr. Golden be like, when created an interdimensional gemstone.

#FiveNightsAtSonics #FNaS #Horror #Meme #ArtWork #Art

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

mr hue hues

: Aseprite

: mem16

Happy 10th Anniversary, Five Nights at Sonic's 🥳 🎉

FNaS means so much for other people despite it's quality, I feel like it should be treated with celebration just like the other parody games. This is a repost for other communities #FanArtFriday

Chibi DJ Stellar Espio ~ Updated Re-Clone Sticker

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #SurrealShowoff #Horror #Sticker #ArtWork #Art