Hi everyone!
Sorry for the hold up, but I finally got all the layouts for the proposed new feature complete! So we’re ready for some feedback if you have any to offer. Here’s what I can tell you about it so far.
The new feature would work by having the player occasionally receive a phone call that interrupts the game’s normal flow of progress. The message would consist of one or two paragraphs of text, a choice of actions, and another two or three paragraphs describing the results. The types of events generated could be affected by the player’s current friendships, as well as stats like renown or social. If the player decides to accept the call, a number of things could result. She may receive a tip on a new job, get an invitation to a social event (unlocking additional story material), or just end up stuck in a boring conversation and waste a gameplay turn.
Here are the layouts I’ve designed for the new screen which I hope will express its style of narrative:
We’re still trying to determine what options will be the most reasonable for us to implement, but we’d really like to know your thoughts. Does the periodic interruption of game flow seem like a fun change, or a distraction? And if you do like the idea, what kind of events do you think you’d like most to see?
You can let us know here, or contact either of us by e-mail at:
Amy @ unseenkingdom.com
Melissa @ unseenkingdom.com
Thanks for being awesome everyone!
Much love,