Heyo! Another amazing day, and a post from Thunderstorm Productions I'd like to thank everybody who's been supporting us, with a whopping 13 followers on the game page! [It may not seem like much, but its a lot to me, thanks!]
Anyway, onto the real stuff. Firstly, the game has not had much work due to me being sick and trying to get over thisAnd now as time has moved, I have less and less time to work on the game, so as you have seen by my graphic design and the title, I'm requesting help for DELTARUNE: Evacuation!

On this team, it would have to be a choice for you to be doing a kind deed [and to be featured in the credits :D] due to the warning of,
That is the most important thing, this is just a kind deed to help a new game developer develop a game.
The openings are listed here, if you'd like to request a different part to be listed on here / for you to have, Please, comment! I try my best to check every day!
Promotional Graphics Maker
Spriters [Mainly to remix OG Deltarune Sprites]
People to make music.
Game/Bug Testers
Coders [To help code, obviously!]
If anybody is willing to join the Thunderstorm Productions team, you can send me a friend request on Discord, [mason9623] or if that's not possible, please let me know any other ways to contact you through preferably text chat ways.
Okay! That's enough ranting! Thank you to all followers, and I hope to see people onto the team soon!