List of fixes:
Scale Tail can now ride vehicles, without issues.
Fixed running jump distances of Ace Duck, Bebop, Rocksteady, Triceraton, Zak, Kala, Dask and Zach. They can now beat the Rooftop stage.
Chars no longer get stuck if they take mutagen while performing a jump+attack.
Players are directed automatically to bonus stages. No need to walk up to Cudley.
Arcade mode fixed, can be completed now.
Various palette fixes. Raph and Don now have alt palettes.
Updated instruction manual (troubleshooting section).
Shredder’s special attack beam doesn’t hurt other players anymore.
Adjusted life bars on enemies.
In Bonus Stage Practice, it’s easier to pick a specific bonus stage.
Bosses no longer slide from side to side.
Updated player automatic movements (during boss’ intros, etc).
Tweaked green foot soldiers’ spawn animation, so they don’t get stuck in walls when summoned by Tatsu.
Fixed Leatherhead’s attackboxes, knife attack, and palette issues.
Fixed sewer lids (now can be hit by all characters).
Many other small fixes.
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