3 years ago

Residente Evil VM - A 2D fangame for Android & PC. Still in development.

The Resident Evil fangame project continues its development and here you have the most important points that you should know:

-It is a fangame inspired by the classics of the first trilogy, therefore, it is not intended to include elements from later installments. Although new mechanics and aspects are added to the gameplay, they will always be in favor of the essence of the PS1 trilogy.

-Due to various bugs, there will only be 1 save slot available. It is trying to fix this aspect, but for now it is what there will be.

-The final version will be available in English and Spanish, in separate versions. It is possible to have a 3rd version in Romanian.

-As a project collaboration system, streamer users will have early access to the final project. If you have a YouTube or Twitch channel, contact me to save your name on the list.

-Due to various personal and game performance issues on both PC and Android, the project launch has been postponed to 2022.

-The official and updated versions of REVM are only available on the official website of the project: https://medimongames.itch.io/resident-evil-vm - For greater security, I recommend not downloading it from other sites to avoid inconvenience.

-The voice acting of the characters is still in search. If you are a fan of RE and want to participate in the project by giving voice to a character, contact me for more information. Although this aspect is not relevant to the game, it is something that increases the quality of the project.


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