Five Nights at Tubbyland 2 Redux
16 days ago

Responding to everyone's praises and complaints, as well as addressing some common misunderstandings.
(Basically, a F.A.Q)

Hey guys! I see that a lot of people are liking the game, which is just shocking to me because I don't see it as much lol. Anyways I did get a lot of things said about the game, good and bad and I feel like the same thing is gonna get asked or said multiple times so I'm gonna put all answers here.

  1. The game is too difficult/animatronics move too fast.
    To put it short, this game is supposed to be more difficult than the first game mainly because there are more threats. However it's still beatable, the testers and I have completed stuff before, if things get serious I can do a nerf later.

  2. This is a remake of FNATL2
    While technically true, this game is not an exact remake of FNATL 2, since it's pretty different because let's be honest the original FNATL 2 didn't age well. So while you can still call the game a FNATL 2 remake, don't see it as a 100% remake of the original.

  3. This is from Throwback edition or from the official games.
    I've said this in the game's warning screen, no this game is not official, nor part of/connected to any other fnatl fan games. I may inspire some things from those games but that doesn't mean it's connected.

  4. The game doesn't run properly.
    Make sure your device is capable of running an average clickteam game, and that your device can take a resolution of up to 1280x720.

  5. Intro animation keeps playing on startup/nights don't save.
    Save file issue, make sure the game is properly writing the save file.

  6. Is FNATL 3 Redux after this?
    You'll see

  7. Is there even a trailer?

  8. Will any updates be added later?
    Yeah that's most likely gonna happen, since there are some things I may change in the game or just add stuff that I feel like are missing.

That's all for now, if I need to I'll update this post to add more things, but hopefully this answers all of the big questions you have for the game.

Of course if you have any other questions, leave them in the comments. See you later.



Next up

The game is now over 50% complete! Sorry for the long wait!

Teaser 4 More than one

Just another reminder that the game is not dead and is still making good progress!

HI HI HI back from the dead!! And good news? A BRAND NEW RENDER FOR YOU ALL TO ENJOY!

The game releases tomorrow.

Cold Memories | The Fazbear Facility - Teaser

Merry Christmas everyone! And incoming 2025!

As you saw from the trailer yesterday, the revamp update releases tomorrow!

Once it releases, please let me know if there are any issues, thank you!

Oh and if you missed the trailer, watch it here:

My Birthday + Final Release SUPRISE! A big update is coming for Tubbyland 1 Redux! See the trailer here