…This is…Jen from Jen&Sis.
I’m here to…I really don’t know, but I guess this is part of the healing process, but…if you’ve played “Voices of Friendship”, there is a part where you come across a bunny that could talk.

Well that bunny was real, and his name was Bifune [Ba-Foo-Nay] and his owner…was me.

On March 21, Bifune passed away in my arms from a seizure due to his organs failing, and I’m not going to lie, it’s been really hard to deal with. I’ve taken a break from creating due to this, and for that, I am sorry.

Bifune was priceless, and was always there either at my door, or under my feet while I worked on our games, especially VoF. He is irreplaceable, and even though he was just a rabbit…he was simply the best thing that had came into my life. No matter how much I stressed about a game deadline, he was there to calm me down. He will be truly missed.

I just wanted to put this here for you guys to let you know that the little bunny you encounter is much more than a game character, he was my heart. I hope even in the game, he makes you smile, as he did for me everyday.
This is Jen from Jen&Sis…signing off for awhile.
Bifune Conejito…Rest in Paradise my sweet boy.