Recently, I have been notified that @TheGameSalmon 's cat Sophie recently passed. Being a subscriber to Sam for a long time, I've seen how much that cat as affected not just him, but also his community. Just like how @TasteGaming
's dog Molly has affected him and his community. For those who have played V1 back in 2020, I added a Molly plush into the game and made a memorial to her at the end of the credits. I have done that in V2's final version (still working out a few things) and added an achievement for collecting Molly's plush. However, because of this news, I will also do the same for Sophie. A plush of her was already made and coded in last year before any sign of her declining health. Sam has impacted me so much for so many years and the fact I even got lucky enough for him to be my VA for the first game, I wanted to also make a nod to him in this as well. So the memorial at the end of the credits will be for both pets and the achievement will be as well. Both YouTubers have amazing content and are full of joy and positivity. If you haven't checked them out yet, you totally should.
Rest in peace to both of their pets. May they never be forgotten.
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