Scrapped 2
7 years ago


well, i’ll start with some better news first. i uploaded a new build for everyone to play. it has the new map (though pretty empty and incomplete) and the old map.
To do this, i have 2 openings in the menu level. the one labeled “Beta Map” is the old map while “Main game” is the new map.

Now, onto the real news.
I’m going to restart Scrapped 2.
There’s many and few reasons for this. I’ll list a few of them.

  • It’s Messy: If you don’t know, this was started out when I finished Scrapped 1. I was learning and i still am, but i have gotten lost more than once in my own coding and sorting. I felt it better to restart and sort things out better.

  • Little/No Planning: Just like scrapped 1, i just jumped right into making the game. no story, no anything. the maps were made completely randomly and i had no idea what i was making except that it would be a freeroam game with jumpscares. I hope to fix this at least a little.

I have many plans for Scrapped 2, but they require me making it completely from scratch. I will keep many assets from these builds, but lots of things will change. It will probably take a long time to do as i have other things to work on too such as helping out on other games, Commissions, and even just relaxing every now and then.

So, with that said, Enjoy the current scrapped 2 release. it might be a while until you see anything from the new version



Next up

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