9 years ago

Retro Jolt

The future of indie gaming is here! And it looks a lot like the past...

Everyone knows that in order to move forward, you must also pay attention to the past. Well, the past just looked too good, so we’re walking backwards now.

It’s time to regress into the future! Game Jolt will now be shifting focus to only indie retro gaming!

It’s been a long time coming. I mean, just look at our logo. How does that not scream retro into your eyeballs? It was a foreshadowing. I think there may even be an all-seeing eye hidden within it. While we’re on that note, notice the extra spacing between the L and the T? Yeah, well now you can’t unsee it.

What does this mean for the future of Game Jolt? What will it look like!?

Basically this:

Mmmm, feels good.

But, no need to wait for the regressive future to come! Starting now, any Game Boy or Game Boy Advance ROM uploaded to the site can be played within the browser! Far out!

The Game Jolt Client will be updated shortly with ROM support. Righteous!

As always, you are only allowed to add games that you’ve made. This is for homebrew ROMs, not commercial ROM rips. If you upload ripped ROMs from commercial games, your game will be removed and your account may be banned.

To get you on your way with some inspiration, check out the stuff DeltaGardner has done! http://gamejolt.com/profile/deltagardner/271609/games

Or Dr. Nu’s latest game for #badboxart: http://gamejolt.com/games/tower-topple/136295

Or even a couple games created for #gbjam that run on actual emulators: http://gamejolt.com/tag/gbjam?os=rom

This is just the beginning of the end. More retro gaming systems will be added over time. Let’s walk backwards together!




Next up

Oof, got three sticker packs and got super unlucky with my drop rates for the star haha. I gotta master them all though!

Ohh, what's this? You can see all the stickers in a sticker pack before buying/opening now. Finally.

My grumpy dog doing yoga.

Modded a Game Gear! Took a long time, but I'm really happy with the results. New screen, speakers, shell, rechargeable batteries, all that. Even has an FM radio chip in it so that when it runs Master System games, it has better music.

My custom-made controller. Click click.

Look where I'm at

All right, time to place my haul. I need mastery of these stickers.

After about 6 months, I started working on my custom controller again for retro gaming!

I designed the PCBs for the analog sticks, got them made, and check them out! They fit in perfectly.

Next step, building out the whole main PCB.

Ah yes, programming documentation.

Here we go!