Hi, mnemot here. I’m currently rewriting how the game warps you around levels. the following post might be a bit too on the technical side, and honestly the topic might be a bit boring, so feel free to skip it if you don’t care about these topics.
Basically, there’s three kind of warps I’ve implemented:
Vertical lines that’ll warp the player to another level when crossed horizontally by them
The same but with the axis switched around
Tiles that the player has to touch and/or interact with to warp them.
Oddly enough, since Sacrifice was originally conceived as a linear platformer, each level also started with a “spawnpoint” and ended on a “goalpost”. The spawnpoint would just serve as a marker for the level to position the player when starting up, and the goalpost would instantly activate when the player touches it. They served well their original purpose, but with the new Quest Mode being added to the game, they’ve been deemed redundant and their functionality will be rolled up on the warp system.
For the start point on each level, I decided to assign index 0 to every start point in the game. These warp tiles are also configured to lead to wherever the player was before when interacted with, so they can be used as means to going back to the overworld in Quest Mode. You can also exit back into the map with the pause menu if you’ve already completed the level, though.
As for the goalposts, now certain warp tiles can be marked as “goal” warps. They behave the same as any other warp tile in Quest Mode, while in Arcade Mode their behavior replicates the goalpost tile that was already implemented. Certain secrets on Arcade Mode require you to avoid touching the goalpost, but these I think should be more easily accessible in a game mode where you’re expected to go back to levels.
Thanks for reading! Here’s an unrelated bonus screenshot.