8 years ago


Hi friends!

This week has been an awesome flurry of new development and bug fixes. One of the big things that I finally tackled was Etel’s dialogue. The character felt a little 2-dimensional and some of his “filler” text didn’t really fit with the cowardly-but-still-arrogant soldier I had in mind. Almost all of his dialogue has been rewritten. This also gave me the opportunity to put a fair amount of polish on his “Den of Darkness” quest, which plays a lot better now.

Additionally, teleporting through the cave feels a little nicer now. You’re now rewarded for exiting a room on the “correct side” - that is, the one in the direction you want to teleport. In other words, if you’re exiting Room 2 to enter Room 3, it won’t take 30 seconds to teleport there. You can also use this method to end up towards the beginning or end of a room, so that you’re better positioned to quickly grab a quest item.

The next patch is coming in a week, at which point we’ll also be doing a major push of Steam keys to Kickstarter backers. If you want to keep abreast of new content coming for Vidar, check out the What’s Next page, and stay tuned!

  • Dean



Next up

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