Hi! Gonna keep it brief this time. Aside from the fact we've already had one very lengthy post for the year, I'm also running late to bed. This patch is mainly here to align it with some of the minor changes that will be found in the new story update. By the way, as much as I double checked everything, I did do this patch in kind of a rush, so let me know if something broke... (hopefully it didn't)
At least half of the personal monologue found in the Future Ending has been moved to the OLD writing style. Nothing got rewritten for the NEW writing style, things just got cut, specifically anything that I felt was reflective of a younger, more insecure Maxine.
You may have noticed I kept the line "This'll be the last time I write for myself", though... there's a reason for that, even if my feelings on that line have changed since. You'll find out eventually.
Chapter 34 of the Future Recap has had its title changed from "Worried Frog" to "YOU's Feeling". I felt for a while like the location of the Bad Feeling placebo was too obfuscated, so this name change should act as a clearer hint.
Updated a few outdated credit names