The lost souls Update will have the new Forest fox character on custom night 3 more languages will be added a new VHS will be added called Crupted VHS There will be a code for it and it will only last until V1.11 is gone so if you still have it your lucky! and also the 3 blue eyes represents the 3 dead foxes! then there will be a little changes so this could be the dead foxes chasing after danial john after john david tried to take his revenge on a random person many years ago so what could have happened to their bodies?!

3 years ago
Robo's Foxhouse V1.11 will be called The lost souls! It will be coming soon! Read article!
Next up
I know what your plans is! I WILL FIND YOU!!
Please read article!
This is what Mobile controls will look like on Robo's foxhouse Burnt to hell!
Yo everyone what settings do you want us to add to our new game?
Rat Race Production Update
Hey guys Do you want to share your Scratch projects or Turbowarp projects converted into HTML Files?
Then Join the HTML Scratch Projects group right here!
I remade the John david's revenge Room
also I made a new small update for the game and you can now download it for Windows and MacOS
Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!