Character(Storyspin) as Role(UT)
Asgore as Sans/Judgement
Toriel as Papyrus/Asgore's wife
Sans as Chara(not exactly)/Fallen(?)
Doggo-Papyrus as Flowey-Asriel/Determined Empty One-Close friend of Royal Family
Chara as Mettaton/(not as a robot or cyborg)Star of Underground
Asriel as Napstablook(not as a Ghost)
Mettaton as Undyne/Royal Guard
Napstablook as Alphys/Royal Sciencist
Undyne as Toriel/Caretaker of Ruins
Alphys as Asgore/Ruler of underground
Frisk as Frisk(on my take their nickname is Spiny)
*All role chaneges keep the personalities*