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RGB MX Round (My favorite skin (yes it's my favorite skin)
I haven't really posted anything on this game in a good while so here's the renders for the brothers (I recently remade Luigi's side view so his render is alittle outdated)
My monster consept is done! here's his wiki page if you wanna read! https://pc2f.fandom.com/wiki/Costume_Mario I'll try and make a GJ text version soon
Here's all the girls lmao
was gonna draw MC too but decided not to, might in the future though all of these were updated a tad (mostly their collars and Natsuki's legs since they weren't placed right but ya' know) Individual Posts in article
RGB MX my beloved (I feel bad for not using it that much sincei t was my first skin so i'll try to use it more, idc if I win or not lol)
"That thing used to shine some hope on this kingdom, now all it does is remind us of the battle we were forced into"
heehee (I tried)
Double Trouble Round am I a W or L MX
cooking something (don't mind the missing text)