Follow TRTF 2 Space Time by the one and only @Mr_Malos, he also , made this amazing model so props to him

Rotten Bonnie Got a Bit Goofy
Next up
think its funny how poppy playtime chapter 4 is considerd the worst one yet costs the most out of all of them
Springtraps locked within legit has the most sexualized puppet model for a non five nights at anime game
Five Nights at Nick's - SpongeBob Remade
- Base Model From BFBB Remake
- Everything Else By Me
- FNaN By Torrent1703
(the rig is ass)
I promised I'd do it & now here you go.
You know the rules & if you somehow dont, theres a README file waiting inside the zip for you.
when you realize the pear is almost 3 years old
Random facts about trtf rebuilt i found in its source code
to the person who put cabin face family chapter 1 on the mml: you BETTER remember to charge that chromebook
Wtf ever happend to one night at springtrap locked within, it went from hyped to deleted within a month, kinda think its also maybe lost in general so send it to me pls if you have it lmo