2 years ago

Rules for community below.

  1. Post things that are relevant to the community.

  2. Do not post 18+ or NSFW here.

  3. Don't post unofficial leaks and claim it as ''scrapped'' or ''unused.''

  4. Don't beg to be added to the team.

  5. Don't rush anybody, it puts a lot of pressure on people.

  6. Fanmade songs are fine, just please put it in the ideas community.

  7. don't say anything racial or controversial. you'll get banned from the community.



Next up

i love posting discord exclusive teasers



bite hubert mix i did with a friend :yawn:

check it face

Because roblox.com Hit and run killed my grandma...OKAY?!!?!?!!!! !! !11 !!

epeek face