2 years ago

Rules! Important

These are the rules of the community! Please don't disrespect them

🔸Respect everyone no matter what

🔸Don't send hate in this server

🔸Respect channels category

🔸Don't harass anyone

🔸Don't disrespect anyone

🔸Don't spam or flood

🔸This server is for everyone so don't send NSFW

🔸Every person is welcomed here!

These are the rules, Respect them!



Next up

New image for "All posts" channel!

le best strategy ever

I never thought that this would be my most famous post 💀

Wish me luck

I lost lol

I know i said i won't post anymore, but i just wanted to thank you all for following me and helping to get this amazing achievement! ¡Thank you all!

the opposite day