Rus: У меня это получилось, и я даже готов опубликовать его в общий доступ: , но если создатель попросит, то я удалю. В итоге, на это ушёл чёртов день, это пипец для меня,писать код, хоть и с помощью(я делал это без исходника, редактировал файлы игры!). Также спасибо @everypony за помощь
Eng: I did it, and I'm even ready to publish it to the public:, but if the creator asks, then I will delete. As a result, it took a damn day, it's a kick for me to write code, albeit with the help of(I did it without the source code, edited the game files!). Also thanks to @everypony for the help

Rus: попробовал сделать порт Sonic.exe the Stone of Darkness
Eng: I tried to make a port Sonic.exe the Stone of Darkness
Next up
Ru: uhhh, т.к текст не поместился тут, откройте артикул
En: uhhh, because the text doesn't fit here, open the article
Hello everybody! I want to tell you what I've been working on since the previous post.I have increased the resolution of the sprites from which the game zone is built,I have also added a separate setting for particles,and at night you will have fireflies!
Hi guys. I want to add a simple potion system. To do this, I changed the plant growth system. Now it is more similar to the one that is used in ordinary minecraft. I also want to ask everyone who can subscribe to my
Rus: Скоро будет добавлен экспорт всех постов Eng: The export of all posts will be added soon
I added rock paper scissors.