Hello Friedrich's gamers!!!
As the title says, you can now download RYFONT! If you remember a few blogposts back, I made a custom handwritten font for this game. In the spirit of the Christmas season, I've decided to expand the font with some new characters and make it public for all to enjoy! The font has multiple versions of each character, and even some ligatures (multiple characters blended together) for handwritten authenticity.
Ryfont is free to use anywhere! Put it in your games! Your videos! Write an essay for school in it! You can even make it the default font of your IDE if you're feeling dangerous.

All I ask is that if you use it somewhere publicly, please credit me in the description/credits/whatever!
Also, I gave the GJ page a facelift with a new logo and screenshots, so check those out if you wanna!
(PS Shout out to Game Jolt for making screenshots public the second you upload them without confirming anything. :( If you saw something you weren't supposed to, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF PLEASE!!)
Alright, that's all from me. Have a good rest of the year!