2 years ago

S.1 Ep.3: And The Aftermath’s Remembered

3rd Day of Volume and David cooking crystals, when finished cooking, David questioned

“Hey, Mr. Red, can we use these?”

“No, David, they’re for selling, not fulfilling”

“Without testing them or anything?”

“Yes, they’ll be okay”

Volume wants to take a break so bad from his busy schedule of cooking since the Greenland Mall destruction, Volume drove to his home to take the break and allows David to use the RV.

“Alright, David, I’m going to take a break, i’ll give you permission to drive the RV, try not to sell the crystals”

“Yessir, Mr. Red” David replied

David took the RV and drove to an associates house named Xerox, who also had a cousin over there named Tajin.

“Yo, X!” David called

“David? I didn’t expect you to come here today, I heard that you have crystals today, is that right?” Xerox said

“Correct, I made this all by myself, probably better than Tajin”

“Whoa whoa man, be careful what you said-“

“THE F*** DID I HEAR?” Interrupted Tajin


As David followed Tajin worried, Tajin tackled David to the ground and demands David to show him the crystal he made.

“Wh-whoa, Tajin, it was just a joke man, ugh…, why did you hit so hard?” Complained David

“SHOW ME IT” Demanded Tajin

“Alright here”

David shows Tajin the bag of crystals, Tajin breaks into laughter.

“Where do you make these?” Asked Tajin

“In my RV” David answered nervously

“Bring me to your RV, now” Demanded Tajin

“O-okay, please don’t hurt me” asked David

As David took Tajin to Volume’s RV, David was forced to show Tajin the following steps on making the formula of Volume’s crystals, as Tajin about to beat up David, David threw chemical reaction to the ground and made a smoke bomb, a chemical bomb, as Tajin was suffering, David ran outside of the RV and shut the door and blocked it.

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Hanging out with your boys is best feeling


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