1 month ago

Sabito Amarelo, J. Crazy Doctor

Lo Cantolirro & Wartina Characters



Next up

Brazilian Parody Animation Coming Soon (Lo Cantolinrro)

after Zooseal and Wartina

New Characters : Wartina Monster, T-Zilla, Firilo Fire

From New Animation Coming Soon

Pluppy The Plane, Nuddingon, Jax

For #RetroGameDay and #FanArtFriday I'd like to remind everyone Super Smash Bros Brawl is a retro game by definition. Gosh I feel old...

Doodles of some subspace enemies to get back into swing.

Gilbert and the Roach, Tetelo and Gralo

first fully rendered drawing after months

now back to my grave

The Little Bird (Chick)

Weefager And His Friend, Cowboy Testing, The Big Jile