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Having no Partner while in Offline Mode still causes their water overlay to appear behind you while walking through water.
Didn't expect to ever be showing off this on GJ but, hi! I'm the dev for that one HoloFunk Psych port you may have seen floating around. Just thought I'd show some barebones progress for the song "Quadruple Baka". More Details in the comments!
Been messing with the new DF editor to see what's possible, it's honestly really co- wait what the fuck what the FUCK is THAT
The "Name" category in the Vessels menu is broken and uses the incorrect font.
dark world battles if they were awesome
DFC 2.8 LEAK - Snowboarding Minigame
Replace the PVP Log button in the Cell Menu with the Dimensional Box, allowing for access to Box A and B like in the original UT. The PVP Log itself should be moved to the actual PVP menu.
Made a couple of mock-ups on how it all could look.
Shared this in the DFcord a couple of days ago so I figured I might as well share it here, too.
Based on something that happened while I was playing DFC on the same day I drew it, more context below.