Salvatore Salvatore... Oh Salvatore...
Salvatore Aeiaz, The false saviour we all despise, The arrogant, Angry, self proclaimed "saviour" of who knows what, The cousin of Jerry, The one that has not smiled a single time in his lifetime of OVER 3000 YEARS
Salvatore is a spamtrack bambisona, very blue, and with bright yellow outlines, he usually goes around missions to "save" people from situations he thinks are dangerous, a lot of the times he does succeed (albeit the victim either having a horrible time being saved or getting screamed at), however, a lot of other times, he drops the victim to their death as he deems them "too annoying", this happens at (roughly) 29% of the people he "saves"
Salvatore has had lots of beef with the Giusseppes, in fact, the reason Giusseppe the 2nd is his favourite is because Giusseppe the 2nd is dead and therefore can no longer "annoy" anyone, Salvatore particularly hates Giusseppe the 1,298,000th (note: not his least favourite of the giusseppes), the reason is due to how much Giusseppe the 1,298,000th rants about soup, Salvatore is VERY glad that Giusseppe the 1,298,000th is sick most of the time due to this
Of course, Salvatore has enemies, and i mean, LOTS of enemies, and he does have an arch-nemesis in particular, none other than, and i'm sure you will NOT be surprised by the answer, SOTIRIS! Sotiris and Salvatore have had numerous attempts at completely stopping each other in terms of doing things (all have failed), Darshil is also a very big enemy of Salvatore, who knows, maybe vitaly's other relatives are too
Salvatore's life has been full of duty, killing people, saving people, """""""saving""""""" people, protecting people, etc., This is not the reason why he's full of anger though, no one knows why, and it's going to continue with salvatore being completely mad permenantely
Salvatore was born on the 20th of July 1023 BC, Specifically at Rome, He used to assist the romans during wars when he was young, despite this, how he acted back then was also how he acts today, he wasn't always a saviour, he would not save a country if he ruled it, he would become a dictator, forcing everyone to worship him like he's some sort of god, If you get stuck somewhere and Salvatore comes to save you, just know, you're done...