UNDERTALE + UNDERSWAP: Love-Struck in the Rain
5 months ago

sans. placeholder is up



Next up

Currently moving engines so goodbye old engine and hello new engine and no we are alive

Uh so like progress has slowed down a bit but I promise you all some content this month

I’m feeling so last breath core

We have been cooking and this has finally moved to clickteam with a friend of mine so take this battle concept so you guys won't starve

when the rain is struck

We have something in the works believe me we are not dead so just give us time just like the TS devs

Yo what’s up my bros, hoes, and non-binary hoes

Guy's a sad tragedy has happened today.

AUlord has died and now is he stuck in my walls.

Please sent help.

Thanks for @Ari7 for helping us make borders.

i am back bitches we working on this more than ever Background by @ilovecookiess Music by Nik

uh shit i have might forgotten about this but we have something in store lets just say we might be able to kiss the old love-struck in the rain track goodbye