Hey everyone!
Me and Chip are so unbelievably thankful on the amount of people following and liking the project so far within two days! So from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you so much for being interested in the project.
If you haven't been following either of our accounts on Twitter, we've shared a huge amount of progress during that time so that we could at least have two screenshots that were from the actual look to the game! This is so that people can form an opinion about what they've seen from the game thus far!
But if you haven't, don't worry! We'll be finding a way to show more progress as a full on video underneath the Monthly Dev Updates so that you can get a clearly picture of what's in store for the future and possible a short gif as a thumbnail (this was a typo, so sorry) that has been coded into the game at this point!
What to Expect Here:
You'll expect long, or short, development logs from either me or Chip about the status of the game or it's animations!
I, LuckyRoboLAD (the guy currently writing this lol), will be posting long development logs about the game's current progress, what features are implemented, etc. with information surrounding them. The next devlog from me will most likely be around mid-late May talking about the fighting rotations and attacks.
Chip, or @ChipFunni , will be posting any updates on idle animations and stuff he's contributed to the game such as renders, ideas, and more. He's a really big help to the project and I couldn't get this far without his help onto it.
I hope you all enjoy what we're cooking up for you all in the coming months! It will be an absolute blast seeing everyone excited to see something new and refreshing for this game!
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