Hello Fated Ones!
gamescom 2020 is going all virtual this year, and ScrougeBringer will be a part of that!
We’re delighted to take part in a few events, from a Ask Me Anything with Thomas Altenburger, and a very eventful Let’s Play.
The full ScourgeBringer schedule can be found here:

AMA with Thomas, co creator of ScourgeBringer (27th August - 10:00PM CET, on Twitch)
Join ScourgeBringer's AMA with Thomas, co creator of the game: https://www.twitch.tv/mrhelmut

Join IGN’s livestream (29th August) of ScourgeBringer, where we will reveal a brand new gameplay trailer:
ScourgeBringer let's play stream (30th August 8:00PM CET on Twitch, in French)
Join our ScourgeBringer stream with RogueJusticeFR & learn more about the game! (French language):