2 years ago

Scream VI

My Version



Update 3

A phone rings and a real estate agent named Rebecca picks up

Rebecca: Hello?

Unknown: Hello, I’m going to be running a bit late, where was the house again?

Rebecca: Oh Scott, it’s 261 Turner Lane, and it’s fine your the last person for the day anyways

Scott: That’s great, I have a few questions before I get there though

Rebecca: I can answer your questions once you arrive

Scott: Okay, but this one’s really important

Rebecca: Then ask away

Rebecca walks around the house as she’s on the phone

Scott: Wasn’t there like two killings there? Like last year and back in 1996?

Rebecca: Well yes, but the house has been cleaned and the interiors have been remodeled.

Scott: Good to hear, say Rebecca do you know anything about the killings?

Rebecca: Well of course they made an entire movie series about it, what was it again, Stab?

Scott: Yeah that was the one, remember how it started?

She realizes the back door was unlocked and stops for a second

Scott: Hello?

Rebecca: Yeah barely, wasn’t it a phone call or something?

She locks the door

Scott: Exactly

Rebecca: Well I’ll see you when you get here, bye

Scott: Wait, how many murders where there again?

Rebecca: Two

Scott: I'm pretty sure it three

Rebecca: No it was two

“Scott’s” voice changes to the infamous voice of Ghostface

Ghostface: Three once I’m done with you

Rebecca: What?

Ghostface: So Rebecca, What’s Your Favorite Scary Movie?

Rebecca: This prank is so outdated

Ghostface: You wish it was a prank, but unfortunately for you, it’s not

Rebecca: This is a serious house offer so if you could kindly hang up and-

Ghostface: Oh I’m very serious Rebecca, Dead Serious

Rebecca: What do you want?

Ghostface: I wanna play a little game, Rebecca

Rebecca: What kinda game?

Ghostface: Usually it’s trivia, but I’ll switch it up for once, Warmer Colder, Try and find me and maybe I’ll let you leave with your head on your shoulders

Rebecca: Fine you psycho

Rebecca walks downstairs and into the living room

Rebecca: Am I close?

Ghostface: A bit warmer, not quite close though

She walks down the hall into the kitchen

Ghostface: Getting warmer

She continues walking out of the kitchen

Ghostface: Colder

Rebecca: What?

Ghostface: I said colder

She backs up into the kitchen again

Ghostface: Warmer

She goes towards the pantry

Ghostface: Colder

Rebecca gets confused for a second and turns around

She approaches the fridge

Ghostface: Warmer

She grabs the fridge door handle

Ghostface: You’re on Fire

She swings it open fast and seeing the real Scott, dismembered in the fridge, and Rebecca SCREAMS out in terror and turns around to see Ghostface standing behind her, before she can SCREAM again, he stabs her in the side of the stomach and she SCREAMS again as he slowly tears the knife through her stomach sideways

He removes the knife from her and she falls to the ground she clings on to the sliver of life she has left

Ghostface: Three!

Ghostface slices the screen, only for there to not be a title card like usual

He removes the mask and we see Jason, a college student of Woodsboro Community College. He turns around and looks at the pantry and sees it cracked open

Jason: Come on out dude I got her

There’s silence

Jason: It was amazing it was like, when I stabbed her. She, she was less and less human, like she just turned into a slab of meat

More silence

Jason: Greg, come on dude stop messing around

Jason opens the pantry door and Greg’s body falls out, nearly savaged beyond recognition. Jason backs up startled

The real Ghostface grabs Jason by the neck from the doorway beside him and backs him up into a glass table into the other room

Jason tries to get up though all the glass shards in his arms and legs isn’t helping

Ghostface picks him up and shoves him into a framed picture on the wall shattering it into his face causing more cuts

Ghostface grabs him by the neck holding him up against the wall

He stabs him in the gut

Ghostface: Do you feel like and animal Jason?

He repeatedly stabs him in the stomach

Ghostface: Like meat?

Jason nearly dead coughing up blood onto the Ghostface mask

Jason: Please

Ghostface slashes the screen into the real Title Card

We fade into a therapist reception. Samantha Carpenter walks in

Receptionist: Hello there, who are you looking for?

Sam: Dr. Christopher Stone

Receptionist: Name?

Sam: Samantha Carpenter

Receptionist: He’ll be with you shortly

After a few minutes Dr. Stone calls Sam in and she enters his office

Dr. Stone: Take a seat, Sam

She sits down

Dr. Stone: How are the medications doing?

Sam: Well I’m not seeing anybody I’m not supposed to be, my main worry is Tara-

Dr. Stone: My main worry is you Sam, what happened?

Sam: The killings, the Woodsboro Murders of 2022 my boyfriend and his girlfriend killed a bunch of people and my friends. Thank God I stopped them

Dr. Stone: And how’d you go about doing that?

Sam: I stabbed him a dozen times and slit his throat

Dr. Stone seems shocked and slightly scared

Dr. Stone: So Sam, why are you here?

Sam: Because it felt… Right

Dr. Stone: I’m going to have to end our session early today

Sam: What?

Dr. Stone: For something like this I need to report to the authorities

Sam: I didn’t say I was going to do anything!

Dr. Stone: Not explicitly but you did imply it, with the severity of the situation I must-

Sam: That’s enough, you’re just like all the others

Sam abruptly leaves the office and goes outside

She slams the door shut, startling Dr. Stone

She storms out onto the street

Sam calls her sister Tara

Voicemail: Hey this is Tara, why aren’t you texting me? (beep)

Sam: Tara, I told you to always answer my calls, I got out of therapy early tonight, maybe I could cook something for us to eat tonight, your choice bye

We cut to when Sam walks into her apartment and hears some banging from inside the bedroom

Sam: Guys?

Quinn, Sam and Tara’s roommate opens the door

Quinn: Sorry, I tripped

Sam: It’s alright, where’s Tara?

Quinn: Promise not to be mad?

Sam: Why would I be mad?

Quinn: You get mad sometimes

Sam: I won’t get mad, just tell me

Quinn: She want to the Omega Beta Zeta party

Sam: I begged her not to go to that!

Quinn: And now we’ve arrived at mad. Listen you can’t just control Tara’s life

Sam: I’m not controlling her life, I’m just worried about her

Quinn: I get that but you need to let her make her own decisions sometimes

Sam: Alright I get it, did she at least take her taser?

Quinn: I do not know how heavily armed she is at this party

Sam sighs and is about to leave

Quinn: Come on Sam, she’ll be fine it’s a frat party, there’s tons of people around her

Sam: But I have to make sure-

Quinn: This is what I’m talking about, you have to bud in her life whenever you can

Sam: I’m- Fine I’ll stay

Quinn: Good, how about we order something to eat?

Sam: Sure

Sam sends a text to Tara

[Be safe]

We cut to Tara, Chad, Mindy, Anika, and Ethan walking back from the party

Anika: It’s about time you finally get out

Tara: Well with my controlling sister it’s hard to

Mindy: She’s only looking out for you

Tara: I get that, she’s just not getting off my back

Tara gets the text from sister, she notes it but doesn’t mention it

Chad: So, what did you guys think of the party?

Ethan: It was okay, nothing too exciting

Anika: It was great what do you mean

Mindy: I thought it was pretty fun

Tara: Yeah, I had a good time too. It was nice to get out and do something different for a change

Anika: I'm glad you came with us, Tara

Tara: Thanks, I'm glad I did too.

Mindy: How about we grab something to eat?

Tara gets another text she checks it and can’t ignore it this time

Tara: I’d love to but… Chad, Mindy you need to see this

She shows them a picture of the news talking about the recent killings

Mindy: Again?

Tara: Maybe it’s different, and just a coincidence?

Chad: It was in Amber’s house

Mindy: Technically it’s more of Stu’s

Chad: Not the time for horror trivia Mindy, and is that Greg and Jason

Mindy: Seems like it

Ethan: What are you guys talking about?

Mindy: Remember the Woodsboro Murders of 2022?

Ethan: Yeah, but-

Mindy: We were part of that, meaning we’re most likely a target

Anika: That’s worrying

Tara: I gotta get to the apartment

Tara starts walking away but Chad stops her

Chad: I’m coming with you

Tara: I’ll be fine-

Mindy: I’m coming too, if we’re all possible targets we gotta stick together

Tara: Fine let's go

Ethan: Woah, with a killer out there we’re not staying here

Tara: Then come on

The five leave to meet up with Sam and Quinn at the apartment and we cut to the apartment when they arrive

Sam hugs Tara right as she walks in

Tara: I’m good, no more stab wounds than I already had

Sam: We’re moving

Tara: What!?

Sam: Pack your bags, we’re moving it’s not safe

Tara: What if it’s a coincidence?

Sam: I’m not taking chances, I don’t want to see you get hurt again

Tara: I’m not abandoning my college education for something you’re not sure of!

Sam sighs a bit annoyed

Sam: Quinn, call your dad, check with him to see if this is related

Quinn calls her dad and leaves the room for a second

Tara: There, calm down Sam

Sam: Same house, Tara think about-

Tara: Sam, listen Sid’s still in town, we can get her help if it is related, alright?

Quinn walks back in

Quinn: He says he wants to talk to you, Sam

She hands Sam the phone

Sam: Detective Bailey?

Bailey: Sam, I was gonna call you, we need you to come down to the station

Sam: What’s happening?

Bailey: I’ll explain later

He hangs up and Sam gives Quinn her phone back

Sam: I got to go

She walks out and Tara follows her out

Sam: Tara, stay here

Tara: No, I’m coming with you

Sam: Tara please-

Tara: You keep trying to keep us together and now you wanna keep us separated?

Sam: Fine, stay close

Sam gets a phone call, but the caller ID says it’s from Richie Kirsch

Tara: Don’t answer it

Sam, disregarding Tara’s wishes picks up the phone

Sam: Hello?

Ghostface: Hello, Samantha

Sam: Just leave us alone!

Ghostface: I’m afraid I can’t do that Sam, I can’t leave loose ends

Sam: What do you mean, “Loose Ends?”

Ghostface: You were part of last years massacre, it’s about time I end this

Sam: Keep wishing

Ghostface: Oh I don’t need to wish, Sam. I’m ending this franchise for good

Sam: What are you? Another Stab fanatic?

Ghostface: I’m not, but Jason and Greg were, don’t you know they were planning on killing you next?

Sam: So you’re protecting us now?

Ghostface: Not quite. I just wanna say if I were you, I’d watch my back

He hangs up

Sam(Quietly): Watch my back

She looks up to see Ghostface pop up behind Tara

Sam: Tara!

Tara: Huh?

She turns around and quickly ducks avoiding a slash at her face and pushes Ghostface back, the girls run around the corner into a nearby convenience store

The two start asking for help to the shop owner, with their words mixing together with each other and the angry shoppers. Then everyone goes silent when Ghostface runs in

Shopper: We got a problem here?

Ghostface simply tilts his head and the shopper pushes him back

Shopper: Well?

Ghostface stabs him in the shoulder and pushes him around then stabs him in the back, then slams his face on the counter followed up by the sound of a loud crack.

Another shopper tries to apprehend Ghostface but he quickly stabs him hin the neck and twists then immediately stabbing him in the eye and pushes him away

Owner: Hey!

Ghostface turns and notices the owner with a shotgun and ducks before he can shoot causing the movement to make him react, missing his shot

Owner: Go out the back!

Both Sam and Tara: Thank you!

They run to the back entrance and realize it’s locked

Tara: We need your keys!

As the owner tries to get his keys from his belt he notices Ghostface in the security mirrors, coming up behind him

Tara: Behind you!

He tries to turn around and shoot Ghostface but he gets stabbed in the shoulder and shoved into the ground, dropping the shotgun, and Ghostface picks it up

Owner: Wait we can talk about this-

Ghostface shoots him in the head. Tara tries to unlock the door and accidentally drops the keys. Ghostface turns his attention to them and they’re gone. They’re hiding in the isles. Ghostface walks by, looking through the isles and hears something and shoots without hesitation, hitting the freezers covering the girls with glass shards. They try and crawl to the backdoor, but Tara throws a mangled can down another isle. Ghostface walks to the spot and they’re gone. The shelves fall onto Ghostface causing a miss fire. The girls run to the backdoor and unlock it after picking up the keys.

Sam: Run!

The girls run down the alley behind the store

Sam: Nice decoy

Tara: Thanks

They hear a bang from behind and turn to see Ghostface and he shoots at the two but misses and throws the gun down and start running, and the girls keep running and turn a corner. As Ghostface turns the corner Sam kicks him in the ankle causing him to fall down. They keep running and eventually Tara looks behind her and realizes he’s gone.

Tara: Sam-

Sam: What?

Tara: He’s gone

Sam: He’s going back around

They start running the opposite way and the police arrive

We cut to the police station with Sam and Tara at an investigation room with the police photos of the killings at the Macher residence

Detective Wayne Bailey walks in

Bailey: We found this at the crime scene from the first killings

He shows the two girls a Ghostface mask, in relatively good condition

Bailey: Ithas the DNA of Richie Kirsch and Amber Freeman, we know you know these two as the murderers of the Woodsboro Murders of 2022, correct?

Tara: Yeah, Sam also got a call from Richie’s number

Sam: The man that attacked us was also had a different mask, a more aged looking one

Tara: Yeah, It was cracked and stuff

Sam: Also, I find it convenient our roommate’s dad is leading our case

Bailey: They said it’d be best if I lead this case since it involves my daughter

Sam: Alright

Bailey: I gotta ask, do you have any alibis for earlier tonight?

Tara: I was at a party

Sam: I was at my therapy session, I can give you his information if needed

Bailey: Do you know anyone who would want to target you two?

Tara: Not anyone who’s still alive

Bailey: Yikes

The door opens and an officer leans in

Officer: FBI’s here

Bailey leaves the room and we cut to him in another room with Kirby Reed

Bailey: May I help you?

Kirby: Special Agent Kirby Reed, FBI

Bailey: Why’d they bring you on the case?

Kirby: I take a special interest in Ghostface attacks

Sam and Tara walk in

Sam: Kirby?

Kirby: Hey Sam

Kirby comes up and hugs her

Sam: You work with the FBI?

Kirby: Mhm

Bailey: You two know each other?

Kirby: We went to Woodsboro High together

Sam: Yeah

Kirby: Detective, I just wanna help, I show you mine, ect

Bailey: They left this mask at the convenience store, DNA traces of Jill Roberts and Charlie Walker, one deceased

Kirby: The Woodsboro Killers of 2011, Charlie Walker gave me this

She reveals a stab wound scar

Tara: Wait one deceased?

Bailey: Jill Roberts was convicted and sent to prison, she’s probably released by now, last we heard from her in she’s in New York, and has been doing a lot better

Kirby: That psycho still doesn’t deserve to be free,

Bailey: Well, we don’t know if she’s involved in this, but it’s definitely a possibility. We need to keep our guard up and investigate all leads

Sam: How can we help?

Kirby: For now, I suggest you two stay with a friend until we can ensure your safety

Tara: I just remembered Sid’s still in town

Kirby: She doesn’t have to go through anymore of this, I’ll try and see if I can get her an easy way out of town

Bailey: Good, you two, should keep yourselves on the downlow

Sam: We’re getting out of town

Kirby: I’m sorry but, you can’t do that

Sam: Why?

Kirby: well you’re a very valuable asset to the case

Tara: Really?

Bailey: Unfortunately, yes

Kirby: If we work together we can-

Sam: We’re leaving

We cut to them walking out of the police station as their swarmed by reporters they walk through them all and ignore their questions. But then someone’s voice stood out among the rest

Gale: Gale Weathers, Channel 4, do you ladies think you’re the reason Ghostface has come back for another round of murders?

Sam swings at her but Gale dodges the punch

Gale: Nice try sweetie but i’ve done this dance before-

Tara catches her by surprise and punches her in the jaw

Tara: Stay away from us

Gale: are you really still mad at me?

Sam: You said you wouldn’t write a book about what happened, and then you wrote a book about what happened

Gale: Come on, someone was gonna write about it, it’s what I do!

Tara: I heard you couldn’t sell the movie rights

Gale: It’s all about true crime limited series these days

Sam: After everything we went through together, what would Dewey think?

Gale: That’s a low blow

Sam: So was your book. You called me unstable and a born killer

Gale: That’s taken out of context-

Sam: That’s literally a quote

Gale: Listen, I’m sorry, but writing’s what I do

Tara: Well learn to do something new

The sisters start walking away

Gale: I talked to Sidney

Tara: She’s not staying is she?

Gale: Unfortunately she is, she wants to keep herself from Mark and the kids until this all is over

They’re about to get in a taxi then

Gale: Hey, I wanna catch this freak as much as you do

Tara: Maybe, or maybe your scared that without Ghostface in your life, you’re gonna fade away

Tara gets in and the taxi drives away

We cut to Dr. Stone on his couch watching Invasion Of The Body Snatchers. Then the doorbell rings. He cautiously walks to the hallway with the front door. He hears a knock and sees a blurred silhouette of someone through the window

Dr. Stone: Who is it?

Stone approaches slowly

Dr. Stone: You’re a day early for trick or treating, y’know?

The figure looks up to reveal the mask Ghostface breaks the window and grabs Stone and repeatedly smashes his head against the metal bars then stabs him through the nose he falls back still alive. Ghostface opens the door and walks to him and stomps his head like a pumpkin. He goes to the file cabinet and steals Sam’s files and places them on Stone’s body and he lights them on fire and then Ghostface leaves the scene



Next up

Lucky For You There's A Bonus Round

Unfortunately Steve's Out

Did A GhostFace Photoshoot With All Four Of My Masks

I Wanna See What Your Insides Look Like


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Hello, Sidney

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Rough Trace Part 2

I see how it is @gamejolt , no love for Roxy