Five Nights at Barley's 2
1 year ago

Screw it. Unexpected game release! / Похер. Неожиданный релиз!

Write in the coments if you find some bugs or other issues. We'll try to fix them asap. / Напишите в комментариях, если найдете баги или другие проблемы. Попытаемся пофиксить их как можно скорее.



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ENG: Oh, i supposed to post something here... Right...

RUS: Ой, я должен что-то тут выкладывать... Точно...

ENG: I decided to rework how endless mode works in the second game (more info later) , so can anyone give me a tip what should I put in this square on profile menu?

(RUS в артикле)

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What a weird mask

it's coming.....

What is settings? (Read Article)