This is gonna be quite a long one but easier to talk about. Most of my remakes just stole Malrat's old FNaTI story, where Jake Smith kills all the mascots on Treasure Island with one of them being Henry. Keep in mind, I did that because I figured that's the official story. I never knew people would make completely their own stories for remakes until like, 3.5.
Five Nights at Treasure Island: Recreated
Even before making anything for this game, all I really kept imagining is "What if I took FNaTI and added a third door to it that leads to an outside camera? Like, maybe a waterslide or something? That would be so cool!"
Whenever I imagined something before I got a computer, what I did is make the office in Minecraft, or the Xbox 360 Edition specifically as it was more accurate to the real Minecraft than Pocket Edition.
This is really all I can say about this game. It was going to have all the characters that were in A:DI, as that game was basically the FNaTI at the time. Of course though, I also wanted to make it somewhat prettier, so all I did for that is add sounds and a bunch of cool standart clickteam transitions. (The buttons fading in is applying one of those transitions to them too, by the way. No actual coding was applied to those or the night intro zooming in.
By the way, the game was initially just gonna be named "Remade", but there was another FNaTI revival called like that and I wanted to stand out.
Five Nights at Treasure Island 2.3
...Is what I'm gonna call this one. This one I was the proudest of the time. You may know this one as "The FNaTI game where you can throw trash". It's the one in these two videos I made back in the day.
The mechanics were, apart from throwing trash (specifically soda cans for some reason) at the left door (because it's the one entrance that doesn't actually have a door), hiding under the desk, camera flashes and an MP3 player with a panic meter.
The camera flashes did the same thing as shutting of a camera, I just wanted the game to stand out from the others again.
Hiding under the desk was just for Goofy and I think Daisy.
The throwing soda cans mechanic was a replacement for the power shut off mechanic, as I thought it worked as an exploit to make the game easy. (And I'm still right lol) You would have a limited amount, but you would also get more every hour. I thought of a canonical reason for that too, not even joking, we'll get to that soon.
The panic meter would increase whenever you stare at an enemy on the cameras for too long or when they're in the office. You would have to press space to play or pause the pretty damn loud music on your MP3 player. (You have earphones on) That would make the panic meter go back down. If the panic meter fully increases, Slester would kill you. In one of the videos that I showed, MickMick kills you instead. That's because that was a bit earlier in development before I decided that Slester should do it.
The designs for the enemies would always be Shades, except for Acephalous, Disembodied, Daisy and The Face, because I thought their models are different enough from their base. MickMick didn't really have any Shade design though, so I wanted him to look like his 4.0 counterpart instead. But 4.0 wasn't cancelled yet, so I tried to make my own model. Same with the Shades, here's how they looked like.

god oswald looks so funny
Couple facts about the trash throwing mechanic:
There were some characters that you're required to throw trash against, MickMick was one of them. However, because he appeared at the left door you actually had to scare him like that. Yep, that's right, MickMick is afraid of trash. He's strong enough to kill a human but not knock away trash.
Finally, the reason as to why you get the soda cans back. Get ready for this one...
There's supposed to be a fat monster that you never see that constantly drinks Pepsi and politely puts the cans in the trash. This is not a joke.
That's really it with this game, the last thing I can say is the menu music was just the Sister Location one but slowed down. We're now off to probably the biggest one.
Named entirely to stand out. This game was known for the amount of bumpmapping the models had and for having fleshy toons. This was my depiction of a 5.0, but of course I didn't have the skill to really make it look like one. As to why it was made... Well...

Yeah... Thankfully I'm not the kind of person to hide my old games because of embarrassment, like some people I know are.
The story was, believe it or not, still Malrat's. The toons mysteriously appear on the island, Jake cuts their pieces off because they're weird and unholy, they rot then get revived by God so they can have their revenge. Henry also dies because Jake thinks he's at fault here.
I HAVE changed the story in ABANDONED Reborn, as that's basically the only FNaTI remake I'm gonna end up doing. What's going to stay, however, is the toons coming from another world. Fun fact: The toons actually got their additional parts from the toon world that they come from. Because it's meant to be a weird and screwed up world, human organs grow from the ground there. (Don't get any weird ideas) That fact will also be removed from Reborn.
I'm sure you guys know what the mechanics are, because there wasn't gonna be anything else added. The camera flash and the power control panel are everything that would be in the game.
The power control panel was going to be a combination of the power shut off and hiding under the desk, by the way. (Could've just added a lightswitch but that's too unoriginal) So this would be how you would get rid of any hiding under the desk or power shut off characters. (Goofy, Undying, possibly Henry)
Pirate Caverns would also not be included, as I didn't have the blend file for floor 1 and didn't want to make one myself.
PNM would also be in this game under the name "Abandoned Mascot", this time as an animatronic costume. Entirely because I wanted his shape to make sense. He would come from the caverns entrance and would be defended against with a camera flash.
He's still an animatronic shell in Reborn, by the way. For accuracy reasons. However, he'll have a new mechanic. Stay tuned.
This is really all for Abandoned. This is the proudest I've been of myself with FNaTI remakes back then, so much so that I even planned two sequels. But this is not the log to talk about fan made FNaTI sequels. I hope I can make that eventually.
Five Nights at Treasure Island 3.5.
That's its full name. Mainly because I wanted to ditch original names and because I wasn't allowed to call it 5.0.
This one had quite the evolution, first it meant to have toons look like the ones in ABANDONED, except my computer didn't handle bumpmapping anymore (haha get f*cked lian) so I had to do something else. Later, someone under the name Labrodors wanted to help me so they made a model for Mickey for the game, which I then based the rest of the toons off of. Then I tried to get rid of the "fleshy toons" thing. Then I tried to make the toons as scary as possible and gave Mickey sharp teeth.
The story, this time, has modifications from Malrat's. The toons get created by having them drawn on specific "cursed paper", which then creates a hole and whatever was drawn comes out. Jake was still weirded out by them, but lost his mind when he saw Henry creating The Face in front of a child. Then Jake tried to make a drug that would stop Henry from doing anything with the cursed paper, basically a chemical for forgetting things or something, but ended up killing him instead. Later, God revives him in form of a corpse inside a Mickey suit. (Sounds familiar doesn't it)
The mechanics would stay the same, except with hiding under the desk added as a separate mechanic and the camera flashes would be replaced with camera shut offs.
The map was changed from a 2.0 one to a 1.0 one, just because I ended up liking the 1.0 one more. (I like the 2.0 one more again)
The ending was gonna be something 'special', but I don't remember what it was.
The main game got pretty far in terms of graphics, but in terms of coding, as you can see from the build, it got basically nowhere. I'll try to update this post eventually and add the jumpscares here, since they were animated, but I have to rerender them.
Just like ABANDONED, 3.5 had sequels planned as well, except this time there were 3 of them instead of 2.
Five Nights at Treasure Island 5.7
The actual biggest one. The very game that got me into Radiance. This game ended up being a tribute to old FNaTI fan games, but I ended up cancelling it because I ended up not having fun making it at all. I was dreading making anything new for it. Boy, there's so much to talk about here.
The cheesy story was my biggest gripe with this version, however. Although it's biggest point was the icon character actually being important. The toons were actually going to be possessed by their actors, except for The Face. The Voice was going to be possessed by a totally real life accurate Mickey Mouse voice actor, James Hill, and The Face was going to be possessed by Henry's father, who's name was Charles, and MickMick was possessed by a guy named Micheal who wanted to refer to himself as "MikMik". MickMick was the first toon, who's ink got almost solidified due to having a stronger connection to God, The Face was the second so he melted. The Voice was the last ever toon, which is why his voice was accurate to Mickey Mouse. The Voice was also supposed to be the villain of the game, but I thought he didn't fit for the role so I just made that Hourglass instead. (I sure do wonder why) Hourglass is a demon who made himself out of acid, he also killed all the people who possessed the toons and is trying to kill God. Because of that, God doesn't want anyone else to be on the island. But of course, the SSA comes to investigate, so they come after them. Henry got the punishment of turning into a blood blob by God. All these events would be learned through cutscenes of a conversation the toons and other enemies that you would get by beating a challenge.
Greg was also supposed to be on a ship, it would then crash and his phone call on night 6 would be him almost dying in a hospital. I changed that to him telling Jake that Hourglass was manipulating him in his house.
I'll get to the ending soon.
The beta you guys played here has all the mechanics, nothing new was gonna be added here either. The camera shut off is there, only difference is you can't change to the camera that's been turned off, however, if you don't switch away from the camera you turned off you can see the progress of it rebooting. The camera flash is meant to lure out characters that can see better than hear. Holding your breath was meant for character who can't see or hear, like Goofy or Undying, although I wanted that to be hiding under the desk once. And shutting off the power is basically the same thing as hiding under the desk, 50/50 chance of getting rid of a cam off character and all. The camera monitor had limited power and could only be charged by having the power off and putting the monitor down. If the power depletes, you're basically completely screwed as the monitor had all the defenses besides holding your breath. The building power also doesn't charge, so if you run out of it, you can't turn it back on.
By the way, while making the game I also decided to redesign Face, MickMick and Hourglass, as I wasn't happy with their designs. Here's how those looked like.

I'm kind of proud of that MickMick model, wish I could use it.
The pirate caverns idea was interesting, mainly floor 3. Hourglass would be standing at the entrance and would ask you to find his watch in exchange for a flash drive containing Henry's information about the enemies in the game, while also warning him to hurry up as he's not very patient. After that, you would enter a FNaF SL-ish minigame also inspired by Slaughter Me Street where you're walking down a long hallway and have to defend yourself against Willie until you reach the end. To defend against Willie you would have to check a door on your left or right that you pass through. If Willie is there, you would have to throw a bolt next to him to distract him. This mechanic is also a reference to the soda can throwing mechanic in 2.3. If you walk past him without distracting him or if you throw a bolt directly at him, he will kill you.
At the end of the minigame, you will find a shelf with a watch on it. After you take it, MickMick will suddenly appear and start chasing you down. After that, you would just have to keep running until you get back into Hourglass' room, where he disappears and leaves a key to the room behind him, while also nabbing the watch you found. After you enter the room, you'll find the flash drive, and a video of Henry defending himself in the office will play, where he also explains what corrupti and the toons are. (the explanation to corrupti was god awful and extremely inaccurate to the creepypasta)
Even though Hourglass was supposed to be the villain of the game, he actually wasn't the final boss. That would be The Shade (AKA Shade Voice) and Vomit. The Shade is The Voice getting extremely mad that he can age, and Vomit is what was inside PNM escaping the suit. I don't remember what the mechanics in the final boss were, I'm pretty sure you had to flash Shade on the cameras until he rushes at you in the office, then you'd have to quickly shut off the power and avoid his view until he disappears. As for Vomit, you would probably have to hold your breathing.
The ending would be Vomit fusing into The Voice, turning him into a toon version of PNM and giving him a split personality. While escaping Treasure Island, PNM would also attempt to jumpscare you, but then MickMick would grab him back into the darkness, then your vision would fade into white as you go through the exit.
"But Enlain! What IN THE HELL are the Ink-Blots!?"
Oh those would appear when you pull down the monitor while having the power off. They're basically like Golden Freddy, would even have a kill screen too.

Speaking of that, I even planned of adding a Golden Mickey myself, as a reference to 6.0 doing it.

This game would also have custom night exclusive characters. You could probably see what they would be by going to the extras menu. (Press G on the main menu by the way) However, I constantly kept rethinking which characters they should be. This was the final roster: PNM, PNMinnie, Classic Face, Pete, Mortimer and Corrupted Mickey. Mortimer is a redesign of Nightmare Suicide Mouse. As for Classic Face, he was just gonna use the first model that I used before redesigning him. You can see it in the beta build already.

I don't really remember how they worked though. Pretty sure PNM and PNMinnie were normal shut off camera characters, Pete you would have to find on the cameras and flash and Mortimer you have to avoid seeing on the cameras or else he'll disable the cameras for 10 seconds and he'll come out of the laptop on the desk while he does that.
Minnie jumpscare by the way.

I also planned to finish 3.5 as a classic mode for this game, but... God, that would be dreadful to do.
This game also had some scrapped content.
First, before I managed to make the map myself, I got Squeaks D'Corgeh to do the map. He managed to do an office.

Old Goofy design, a lot of people said it looked bad so I just made it regular old Acephalous.

Old menu, with the FNaTI 3.5 sign in the background.

Old jumpscare for The Voice, with his old model, before I even knew how the toons should look like.

Oh and this old design for Donald I guess. Has a skull for creepypasta accuracy, even though he's not even a costume helmet.

I think... This is all I can say about this game. I honestly kinda miss it, but I thought about it too much, I guess. A lot of people liked this one a lot, so I tried to make it as good as possible while also looking like a FNaTI fan game.
EDIT: COMPLETELY FORGOT! I also planned a demo so I made this end of demo screen inspired by FNaF 4.

This is where I am now in terms of, well, making FNaTI in general, actually. Some people think this game won't release. What do I think? I don't know, I'm still making this game while I can, but I did become a very slow person recently, especially as a Russian person.
This game initially became as some sort of joke, people on Discord told me "what if you made abandoned remastered" so I tried it, then I saw potential with it. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing either, but it's honestly not as painful to make or think about as 5.7.
What can you expect? Well there's quite a bit of content. Let's just say, there will be 9 nights, pirate caverns, and 4 custom night exclusives. Going further into detail would be a bit too spoilery. But I might as well reveal the two of them: Bumpmap Mickey and Bumpmap Face!

...Is what I'm gonna refer to them as. I'm pretty sure I showed what Mickey does already, but uhh... Face wasn't coded yet. I did code all the other exclusives though.