6 days ago
Second attempt to make cakebear.
Next up
I decided to redesign him a bit
Animatronic jaw. Made with metal and cyanoacrylate
Cooking for ya
Did I cook or not?
Jaw is finished. There's no turning back.
I'll show you what the joy of creation means....
Spider puppet (hair test)
Hello, everyone!
Plans for 2025:
Learn welding
Learn electronics
Make a killer robot gang
Kill some people
Get some remnant
I'm in progress already....
Modeled Cakebear in two days with my finger and phone 👍
-We are drastically overhauling the enviorments and the overall scale of the project has increased substanially in comparison to V2.5. -New song has been added to the OST publicly with more to come.
-Models are being modelled lol
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