Ok ok OK i know some of you guys hâve questions on whats going on let me recap everything for you all so you can understand WHATS GOING ON
If you remember the video "The origines of the name" Neo Pico, Neo Tabi and MC founded a new name for Ywain witch is Deo
Now you remember Episode 5 "Dano Troubel" we learn that Deo got shot in both hands Dono altho it was a incident and that Deo hates him for dis
Ok NOW whats going ? Basicly Deo finaly founded Dono during one of he's day offs. Dono proposed to settel everything by a rap battel (is a FNF series what did you expected guys) dis is only part 1 of this "Episode"
Fun Facts: Neo Pico is NOT present this time to calm down Deo so Dono better pray to live. The Disabeled Rythme counter part Funkin' Mix GF will apear on part two. And for those who are gonna say "Hey we see the Memorphobia video I KNOW I COULNDT FOUND THE OST LEAVE ME ALONE