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Name: Blorvis
Desc: This was our mistake.
Cost: 400
Lore: i cant decide if this is beautiful or the ugliest thing i ever seen in my life
jolly is not gonna be a html file but its gonna be a DOWNLOADABLE FILE!!!! (also btw you cant save in the game so if you close it and lose all progress then sorry about that)
birthday gift for @lukthibby
(this is a character from luks game called "go find hummus" its releasing at 7 pm so go play it when its out its really good)
procrastinating on this game for a few days so have this stupid ass meme i made while your waiting
happy new year
heres 3 memes to celebrate
in jolly there is a mode called tripel trouble moede... to unlock it you have to dm me a picture of your credit card (front and back) to me and you can plaey it (/j)
the chapter selection for JSOLE (gonna try to make the game kinda like leos amazing subjects)
i really need to actually start working on chapter 4 holy shit