Originally posted on the Facebook Group Markiplier’s Heroes:
Hey, heroes. Haven’t posted here in a while but I’ve been thinking about my fan game I made for Mark a year and a half ago. Mark still hasn’t played it yet but I’ve already been considering ideas for a sequel. For those unaware or have forgotten, the first game involved Mark playing a game where he was in a land based on everyone’s inspiration and he had to stop a force known as the Darkness. My plan for the sequel is that Mark and co. return to the game of Inspire to aid me in stopping a new force called the Corruption from basically deleting the whole game/whole world. Things I have already planned to be in the game are:
The ability to play as Mark but also as Jack, Bob, Wade, and yours truly.
The additions of more YouTubers appearing like the Game Grumps, Wade’s friends he plays a lot of games with, Ethan, etc.
An extended level cap (original game level cap was 20) that gives everyone more abilities. I’m thinking the new level cap will be around 50.
Maps that will be originally made rather than templates (most of the maps in the original game were templates provided by RPG Maker VX Ace).
Hopefully, an expansive story that will be seen as great.
If you guys have any ideas that could be thrown in for a sequel let me know either in the comments or private message me.