1 month ago

Serious post (Read article)

So let me explain real quick.

2 days ago, I was just chilling with some people in RHS then one user that became a menace named, “Ughfurry”. He started an argument with me and I was thinking, “maybe this guy is just trying to be funny, or just hates sonic, Kirby, and Dave and Bambi” but i was wrong until the next day.

1 day ago aka yesterday, Once again I was chilling with other people (including my friend Pancakes) until I met him again. This time he was being a weirdo and a predator. He was “doing” (don’t wanna get banned here) a person named “rol”, they were wearing a Shy Gal outfit and ughfurry said some unsettling shit like “*drinks out of it*” or “Mmm so good”. I kept on roasting them and they ignored me. I forgot to mention he made alt accounts including one yesterday until now.

Today… I know you know the shit and all that stuff, I don’t need to repeat it again… Anyway he was messing with a person on rhs who made an avatar of TV from bfdi, He was roleplaying as a pedo that watches lil girls especially ones that are LITERALLY FUCKING 6!!! We thought he got banned but no he came back again with two of his accounts, 1 was the one from yesterday, 2 was from two days ago. I got screenshots of him that he was using the dolphin dance behind my friend grunt.



Please report him and all the accounts you see of him don’t forget to spread this everywhere ESPECIALLY Twitter/X

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Next up

So fucking retro

Lil something I made (btw this is a wallpaper thing I made, other ones will be made (including mobile ones)


Thanks for 700 followers! (And thanks to @Pikachu587 )


Sometimes you don’t need to worry… Because I’m already behind the curtains

Wanna play again old friend?