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New in-game images (#01) Something Special.
Bows in action.
Into Samomor demo version 1.0.2 is now available to download. Please update the game to the lastest version for the best experience. #horrorgame
A new riddle is under development and will be available in the future update of the demo. ⚫ More choices and paths!
The game is ready! Hello. I’m happy to announce that the game is ready to be published. Official screenshots have been updated on the main page. There’ll be a Gameplay video soon and I’ll tell you when everything is available. :)
Title screen of original version and remake version A little comparison between the original version of the game and the remake version of it.
New game poster! ♥
Left or right?
The demo is now on Google Play Store! Guess what, now you can play the demo of Seven Mysteries on Google Play Store!
The kind of combat you make after playing Dark Souls.
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